Available consultation

Chart Reading 1st Consultation

Include the charts and recording of the session.
In this reading I look at your strengths and weaknesses, challenges, future achievements, current events and life Direction and your Focus Area.
90 Minutes session includes birth chart, current transits and progressed chart.

Fees : $ 120

Follow up readings

(2nd reading onwards, I look at current events your future direction and focus).
90 Minutes session includes birth chart, current transits and progressed chart.

Fees : $ 120

Children Chart Reading

Include the charts and recording of the 60 Minutes session.
Birth Chart Only – Charts done for infants or Children.

Fees : $ 120

Career Path Reading

I offer insights into your natural talents and abilities, type of working conditions which are best for you, as well as the type of work most suited to you, Preparation for your Interviews, Interview skills, Grooming, Creating or redrafting your Power full Resume to achieve your career heights, Preparation for International Positions.

Fees : $ 120

Relationship Chart Reading

Include the charts and recording of the session.
Looking at your relationships dynamics, compatibility between people with compatibility report.

Fees : $ 120